by mrollins | Jun 30, 2019 | From the Blog
This Summer’s Rosh Mishlachat, Daniel Zaroum gave a speech at the Yom Yisrael Closing Ceremony about the duality of the Mishlachat camp experience: the camp that we see with our eyes and the camp that we feel in our hearts. Hello dear campers, dear...
by mrollins | Jun 28, 2019 | Uncategorized
Rabbi Ana Bonnheim, Former Director of Year Round Programs at GFC, writes about the gifts that camp gives to us and the impact that it makes on all of our lives. It had been two years since I’d been at Greene Family Camp for a brief visit and three years since...
by mrollins | Jun 20, 2019 | From the Blog
Maccabiah 8 Alufim 4 teams 2 days 1 color war Maccabiah is color war. The camp is divided into 4 teams: Red, Green, Blue, and Yellow for a fast-paced, creatively themed showdown. All 4 teams prepare songs, dances, and cheers, and compete in sports and arts...