Ari Simon is a long time camper at GFC. As a Kibbutz camper (our oldest unit at GFC), he reflects on the experiences that he had along the way to becoming who he is today.


Before I ever came to camp, all I heard was how amazing this place was. I am someone who came to drop off my sisters at GFC, years and years before I was old enough to be a camper. Watching my sisters and their love for camp,  I always knew that this would be my home away from home; but I had no idea that I would become so emotionally tied to camp once I was here.


Now I am speaking to you 13 years after the first time I stepped onto Greene Family Camp. Now, I am one of 49 Kibbutznik’s and a leader on camp. I cannot believe that this is my last year as a camper with my best friends… the people that after all these years, I can now call my family. Even though we are only in the early stages of working as a community on Kibbutz, I can already see how much this unit will bring us together as an even tighter family. 


I am so excited to take on all of the challenges Kibbutz brings. We do everything together as a unit, so no one ever has to tackle things on their own.  Activities like leading Earth Night, Kibbutz Bonim day, and ropes every day for two hours- each bring us closer together. I am SUPER excited to be able to mentor a Bonimer for a full day and be a role model that the youngest campers can look up to. I still remember what it was like to be a Bonimer on my first Kibbutz Bonim day. I remember thinking to myself, “One day this will be me…”  and now, here I am.


It is so fitting that my last year as a camper is the last time me and my sisters are on camp together. My parents both went to summer camp, and always told me that the reason they sent us to camp was  to have a good jewish experience. Mom and Dad, thank you so much for sending me and my sisters here. Being able to come to camp and be around other jews your own age is the best experience that you can have. I will miss being a camper here more than anything, and now that it is almost over, I can’t help but look back on my experience and how fast it came and how fast went. I thank you more than you know Greene Family Camp.

