By Beth Grant, Austin, TX
Before the trip, Jonah, the Assistant Director for Mitzvah Corps, talked about to us how we would come out of this trip a different person, and that idea terrified me. I was already anxious being away from my home and friends, I didn’t want anymore change.
But when we were in the cloud forest today I realized he was right—sorta. As we were standing in a circle in the cold, misty forest while Rabbi Rose led us in a prayer, the anxiety I had been feeling suddenly made sense. A few overwhelming emotions later I saw myself beginning to transform, but not into something new. Instead I felt a very familiar feeling; one that I had not felt in a long time. It was the feeling that we were surrounded by so much beauty and life and that I am part of something so much bigger than myself. I want nothing more than to live and see more of the world.
The work we will do here in Costa Rica over the next few days is a small part of a big change. As we continue to bond as a group, I hope our view of how to run our lives and who we are continues to evolve and change. I’m very grateful for the opportunity to come here and cannot wait for what is still in store.