To New Beginnings

Can you feel it? There’s something exciting in the air. It’s only October, and yet…Summer’s Comin’! And not just “any” summer, either.  Our “best little ole jew camp right here in Texas” is turning 50! With the High Holidays imminent and a new year with new...

Special Edition: Welcome Lainey Komerofsky!

We are so excited to welcome Lainey Komerofsky to the Greene Team as our newest assistant director! Read more about Lainey below: Lainey Komerofsky (she/her) was raised between San Antonio and Austin and participated in any type of Jewish activity that was available...

Elul- A Time For Reflection

We are in the Jewish month of Elul, the month immediately preceding the high holidays. In just 3 weeks, we will celebrate Rosh HaShanah, the birthday of the world. Elul is a time to reflect and prepare ourselves for this new year. Much like during the month of...

A Very Narrow Bridge

The whole entire world is a very narrow bridge and the most important part is not to be afraid.  -Rabbi Nachman of Breslov כל העולם כלו גשר צר מאד והעיקר לא לפחד כלל I grew up with a lot of anxiety.  I did not like living in my own skin, did not like who I was, and...

Best Summer Ever

Best. Summer. Ever! Since our campers and staff have returned home, we’ve heard: “Camp creates an environment of safety, respect, and belonging and allows the campers to experience the balance between independence and supervision.”  “Our child said it was his ‘best...