by mozer | Jul 12, 2017 | From the Blog, Lifecycle, Youth & Family
There’s a lot to teach at the farm: proper care of animals, understanding the life cycle, respecting the planet. From husbandry and handling, laws of Kashrut featuring our pig Pudge, or Ba’al Tashit that teaches us not to waste or destroy the Earth, we...
by mozer | Jun 28, 2017 | Camps & NFTY, From the Blog, Lifecycle, Youth & Family
As I moved my daughter, Jillian, into her official first cabin for her official first summer at GFC, I was slammed with nostalgia, emotion, and full circle moments, as well as some familiar camp connections. One of Jillian’s counselor’s mom’s was my first...
by mozer | Jun 19, 2017 | Camps & NFTY, From the Blog, Youth & Family
Things are really working at Greene Family Camp this year. Having just completed our first week of camp, I have been witness to an exciting, committed, and deeply devoted community. More than being a mere witness, however, I have been integrated and welcomed as a full...
by mozer | Jun 18, 2017 | Camps & NFTY, From the Blog, Lifecycle
It wasn’t 24 hours into the first day of my week on faculty when I got the call. I was within arms length of a friend and Rabbi when I learned that my nephew had tragically passed away. I didn’t have to hear the news alone. Within moments, the entire camp...
by mozer | Jun 14, 2017 | Camps & NFTY, From the Blog, Torah, Youth & Family
On Sunday they pulled up to the camp gate. Families with kids young and old, waiting expectantly, peering over the line of cars into their new home for the next 4 weeks – for many – their promised land. From all of the communities of Texas, Oklahoma, and...
by mozer | Jun 12, 2017 | Camps & NFTY, From the Blog
At every Opening Ceremony at the beginning of the session, our unit heads are invited to deliver a blessing to our units. Here are each Unit Head’s blessing for their unit. Bonim You’re off to great places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting,...