What’s New for Summer 2017?

What’s New for Summer 2017?

At GFC, Spring is both on the calendar and in the air. You can see it in the explosion of wild flowers in all of our fields at Greene. Blue Bonnets and Indian Paintbrushes are splashed like God’s art projects over the camp grounds. With Passover right around the...
Bringing About Real Change: A Reflection on L’Taken

Bringing About Real Change: A Reflection on L’Taken

For the third year, GFC has partnered with the Religious Action Center (RAC) to gather teens from across Texas and Oklahoma to offer them the opportunity to travel with their Jewish peers to Washington, D.C. for a weekend of learning, sight-seeing and advocacy. ...

Purim Costumes: GFC Style Part Two

It’sour favorite time of the year again: Purim. As your religious schools’ carnivals and community parties are approaching, it’s time to pick a costume. Want a way to stand out from all the Esthers and Mordechais? We’ve got some more camp-themed costume ideas to set...
Praying with our Feet

Praying with our Feet

“The stranger who resides with you shall be to you as one of your citizens; you shall love them as you love yourself, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt.” (Lev. 19:34) There we were. Somewhere in the crowd near the trees on the western side of the State...