Hello from Camp Committee
Shalom, GFC. I’m Michelle Lynn-Sachs, the Chair of GFC’s Camp Committee, and I’m writing to give you a quick update on what our Camp Committee and Leaders’ Council (past camp committee chairs) has been up to lately.
Made up of dedicated volunteer leaders from across our region, the Camp Committee’s purpose is to take actions that help GFC thrive now and in the future. We are a non-fiduciary, supportive body, and we work in partnership with the full-time camp staff, as well as local congregations and other community volunteers and stakeholders. We love Greene, and we work hard to ensure to that camp is a safe, financially accessible, and magical experience for our region’s children and families.
Just last weekend, we spent two cold but invigorating days dreaming and working together with the full-time staff on short- and long-term initiatives to keep camp safe, magical, and affordable. We are also excited to reach deeper into our local communities through Greene Chaverim, our parent-led association whose purpose is to connect families and share the love of camp beyond the summer.
How does Camp Committee support GFC throughout the year? We volunteer on-site, helping out with events like Opening Day, Alumni Shabbat, Mitzvah Weekend, and wherever camp needs an extra hand. We are camp liaisons and ambassadors in our local communities, helping organize events to help to recruit campers and staff, and staying in touch with our congregations who support camp through scholarships, recruitment efforts, and sending visiting faculty. Behind the scenes, we help raise funds for camperships and to enhance our program and facility. We gladly share our professional expertise in areas including legal, child and adolescent development, fundraising, Jewish education, security, facilities, and more.
My own love of Greene began back in 1982, as a Niviim camper. GFC was my childhood home and has played a role in our wedding and my children’s b’nai mitzvah. Growing up, it gave me a magical, joyous, friend-filled place to be Jewish and most importantly, be myself. It’s doing the same for my kids now, and kids all over Texas and Oklahoma. What started when I was a kid has continued to enrich my life, and I believe in my heart that what happens at camp makes the world a better place.
All of us on Camp Committee love talking camp and are happy to connect with you to get to know you better, learn about your GFC story and your dreams for Greene’s future. One opportunity to do so is by coming to Mitzvah Weekend, March 1-3, when we’ll tackle various projects around camp to make it more beautiful, accessible and magical.
Hope to see you in Bruceville!
Shabbat Shalom,
Michelle Lynn-Sachs
Camp Committee Chair
Camp Committee Chair