To help countdown to our early bird deadline, we’re posting lists and blogs all about our favorite things at camp. Here’s Jessica Dangott’s favorite songs of Summer 2015.
Golden Boy – Nadav Guedj
For me, this was the song of the summer. Nothing reminds us more of Summer 2015 than this pop song that’s just as fun to dance to as it is to sing along!
Cheerleader – OMI
I can’t listen to this song and not do the dance that Unit Head Natalie Steiner and the rest of S’ganim taught us this summer.
Dancing Lasha Tumbai (Ziben Ziben) – Verka Serduchka
Friday night Israeli dancing is nothing without a little Ziben Ziben! Ahhhhhhhh!
Watch Me – Silento
Turns out you can Whip and Nae Nae to just about anything! This was a top request at everything from meal times to unit dances.
Chelsea Dagger – The Fratellis
Every time I hear this song, I’m ready to bus my table.
Every Time We Touch – CASCADA
No explanation needed.
Kehilah Kedoshah – Dan Nichols
Nothing brings a holy community together better than Dan Nichols.
Fudgie the Whale
A camp classic.
Esah Einai – Dan Nichols
Another one of my song session favorites!
Mi Chamocha (Marley Version)
When a Dobin sings this version of Mi Chamocha, I get chills every time!
I can’t wait to find out what the songs of Summer 2016 will be!
Register for camp today and get ready for a summer camp experience filled with more music, silly dances and song sessions.
Register for Summer 2016