Last weekend, the NFTY-TOR regional board passed a resolution to grant Life Membership to our very own Assistant Director, Mindy Lee. NFTY-TOR Life Membership is the region’s highest honor, and the region awarded it to her in honor of the service and impact she has had on hundreds of teens throughout her years of service to the region. Read the Resolution below:
Resolution to Grant Life Membership to Mindy Lee Submitted to NFTY-TOR at NFTY-TOR Spring Kallah 2019
WHEREAS Article VI, Section D of the NFTY Constitution states “The NFTY General Board may honor any individual or individuals by granting them Life Membership”; and,
WHEREAS individuals considered for NFTY Life Membership must meet the following criteria: 1. The individual must have committed no less than seven years of direct service to NFTY so that all are tangibly impacted, in some way, by the gifts of this individual. 2. The individual must have demonstrated a combination of hands-on and support-role membership. 3. The individual must embody NFTY’s Thirteen Principles, and be seen as a role model to NFTY’s constituents; and,
WHEREAS Mindy has gone above and beyond in her role as NFTY-TOR Regional Director; and,
WHEREAS her contributions of knowledge, experience and mentorship to her fellow NFTY-TOR Youth Workers has been ceaseless and invaluable; and,
WHEREAS, Mindy began her service to NFTY-TOR as President in 2006. Since then she went to college and just couldn’t stay away. Years later after returning as Regional Advisor in 2014, she has contributed to the growth and depth of this region and empowered numerous young adults to serve in positions on NFTY-TOR Regional Board & NFTY’s North American Board. She continues to be involved in NFTY at the North American level by attending NFTY Conventions, Biennials, trainings and everything in between; and,
WHEREAS, Mindy has dedicated time and support to NFTY on a local, regional, and North American level for the benefit and empowerment of Reform Jewish teens everywhere; and,
WHEREAS, Mindy has stood by her teens as they reach for their fullest potential. She has guided many teens including Hannah Bender into leadership positions at all levels of our movement; and,
WHEREAS Mindy has found unique ways to leave her indelible mark on our movement by: fostering a community of amateur yoga enthusiasts; supporting advocacy of Israel as she is a URJ Heller High, or should I say EIE, and NFTY in Israel alum herself; empowering youth to stand up for what they believe in through numerous marches and L’takens; creating important bonds with other regions such as creating the Jackofsky Fellowship with NFTY-SO; devoting her energy to countless weekends through the past five years to NFTY-TOR regional events; and taking to heart and making a reality Reform Judaism’s concept of l’dor v’dor , by supporting dozens of leaders of this region and movement at large and being a NFTY-TOR alum herself;
THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED that Mindy Lee receive the honorable distinction of NFTY-TOR Life Membership, the region’s highest honor, in honor of the service and impact she has had on hundreds of teens throughout her years of service to this region.
Respectfully Submitted, The 5778 – 5779 NFTY-TOR Regional Board:
Hannah Wallace | NFTY-TOR President
Hannah Bender | NFTY-TOR Programming Vice President
Kaylie James | NFTY-TOR Social Action Vice President
Zoey Weinstein | NFTY-TOR Religious & Cultural Vice President
Payton Concklin | NFTY-TOR Membership Vice President
Ashley Rosen | NFTY-TOR Communications Vice President
Respectfully Cosigned,
Fred Traylor| 2014-2015 NFTY-TOR President
Logan Kramer| 2014-2016 NFTY-TOR Religious & Cultural Vice President
Sarah Kaplan| 2015-2016 NFTY-TOR President
Maddie Newman | 2016-2017 NFTY-TOR President
Lainey Komerofsky | 2017-2018 NFTY-TOR President
And the countless other teens and adults she has impacted through the years…