This week, our Cornerstone Fellows share how they prepare for Shabbat at Camp and how they’ve brought those traditions home this summer!


Morgan Ducar 

At camp, my favorite part of preparing for Shabbat is the Shabbat Stroll. Coming together as a community, it is so special to see everyone add to the big parade led by our songleaders and the sound of the shofar for all to hear.

Caroline Mellow 

To prepare myself for Shabbat, I love to listen to music while I get dressed. Sometimes I have a playlist with songs about fridays, calmer songs, or even just songs that make me happy! Shabbat prep is such a special time, especially at camp, because it allows us to transition from the crazy week into the peace of shabbat. My favorite memory of Shabbat prep is probably from my Avodah year. Each Shabbat, all of the avodah boys would gather in front of cabin J (the avodah girls cabin) and sing to us! It was so sweet, special, and sometimes funny. I love looking back on these moments. These camp moments can be harder to come across from home, but to bring in the shabbat spirit, I like to put on my CD “Songs GFC Sings 2009” and just have fun listening to the music and singing along!

Hailey Newman

I prepare for Shabbat at camp by putting on some happy music, getting into a relaxed and positive mindset, and picking out outfits with my campers. The campers and my cos and I all help each other with our hair and makeup and take pictures before we go on the Shabbat stroll. Prepping for Shabbat is one of my favorite times to bond with my bunk and I can’t wait to do it again next summer!

Lidor Levin

As a Mishlahat member, every Friday we have a Mishlahat meeting during the Shabbat prep. All the Israelis staff members wearing their whites and getting pretty for Shabbat, then we all gather at the Teatronita to welcome Shabbat together, having a spacial program for us. After the program we join to the entire camp to the end of Shabbat stroll into the dinning room.

*In the picture: My grandmother Lily Razinovsky teaching me how to make my favorite Shabbat dish- Stuffed peppers.