Ultimate Camper Guide


experience camp before the summer begins!

Welcome to Camp! Whether you are a new or returning camper, there are so many ways to bring GFC home. Check out the videos, songs, and activities below to learn a bit more about and celebrate GFC!  

Daily Life at camp


Look at all of the fun activities that GFC has to offer!

Songs we sing

Listen to GFC music and learn some guitar chords!


Watch this video for a virtual tour of GFC!

camp activities to do at home

How to make s'mores at the campfire

GFC Tie Dye before you arrive at camp!

science with graham gadd the science dad

Minecraft with camp

learn to make israeli pita

israeli campout games

shabbat activities

make your own family talit

creative challah recipies

DIY havdallah kit

hear from other campers