by mozer | Feb 7, 2019 | From the Blog
Five years ago, on the last night of first session, a group of counselors gathered their campers and led them on a late-night hike into the woods. “Where are we going?” they asked. “You’ll see,” said their counselors. Minutes later, the dirt path changed to a freshly...
by mozer | Jan 31, 2019 | From the Blog
We want to open the gates of camp to as many different people as possible through summer and year round programs. Rabbi Andrew Terkel likes to say that “camp is for everybody,” and the growth of our Year Round programs seems to bolster that fact. Families, men, women,...
by mozer | Jan 18, 2019 | Camps & NFTY, From the Blog, Lifecycle
At the end of this weekend at sundown on Sunday, we will celebrate Tu B’shevat, “Rosh HaShanah La’Ilanot” (Hebrew: ראש השנה לאילנות) The New Year of the Trees. This Tu B’shevat, we honor a very special tree. The Joshua tree has stood in the middle of...
by mozer | Jan 15, 2019 | Camps & NFTY, From the Blog
Greene Family Camp is at the Evelyn Rubenstein JCC in Houston! As our GFC Full-Time Team has expanded, we’ve been able to spread across cities and become more involved in the local Jewish Community. Whether it’s working with our incredible congregations, partnering...
by mozer | Jan 11, 2019 | Camps & NFTY, From the Blog
In January 2015, Larry Nathan invited me to fly out to Austin to tour Greene Family Camp for the first time as part of my job interview process. It was a cold, rainy day – everyone joked “It won’t feel like this in the summer, enjoy it while it lasts!” I agonized all...