How Two Days at Camp Changed my Life

How Two Days at Camp Changed my Life

by Jacob “Spike” Kraus, a Jewish singer songwriter who is spending time with us at Greene as a guest musician and educator. I have the best job in the world. As a singer/songwriter, songleader, and Jewish educator I get to travel around the country singing...
Daily Updates 2018

Daily Updates 2018

Click each day to read the GFC daily update! Session One Daily Update 6.17.18 Daily Update 6.18.18 Daily Update 6.19.18 Daily Update 6.20.18 Daily Update 6.21.18 Shabbat Update 6.22-23.18 Daily Update 6.24.18 Daily Update 6.25.18 Daily Update 6.26.18 Daily Update...
A Blessing for our Campers

A Blessing for our Campers

Adaptation of “A Mamma’s Prayer for Summer Camp” by Rabbi Phyllis Sommer adapted by Cantorial Soloist Sarah Avner, our Summer Education Director. May you experience learning and growth of both your bodies and minds. May you gain independence and feel comfort in...
Staying Cool in the Summertime

Staying Cool in the Summertime

As we watch the Texas temperatures climb, the question we get most frequently is, “How do our campers stay cool in the summer?” We’d like to tell you how we stay cool in the summer sun without compromising on fun!   Our Schedule is Structured...