An Update from GFC

An Update from GFC

Dear GFC Community, We are very happy to announce that the URJ Greene Family Camp has named Ethan Lane-Miller as Assistant Director. He will be based out of the Dallas area. Ethan is a native Texan who grew up at Adat Chaverim in Plano, TX. He attended Southwestern...
Meeting Shimon Peres

Meeting Shimon Peres

by Trudi Klein Herstein Upon hearing of the recent illness and subsequent death of Shimon Peres, my mind and heart has been flooded with memories of a very precious time in my life.  My memories fade as I age, and I don’t recall specific details, but I do remember the...
6 Things You Can Only Do in Israel

6 Things You Can Only Do in Israel

Ride a camel (and take the best selfie ever   Sleep under the stars in a Bedouin tent   Eat the world’s best falafel         Float in the Dead Sea       Experience Shabbat in Jerusalem         Watch the...