by mrollins | Dec 14, 2020 | Camps & NFTY, From the Blog, Youth & Family
Hanukkah Night 5 | Scott Family’s Miracle Of Camp Chanukah is a minor festival on the Jewish calendar. While its theme of survival is far from insignificant, over the centuries we’ve creatively adapted ways to emphasize this festival as a true bright spot...
by mrollins | Dec 13, 2020 | Camps & NFTY, From the Blog, Youth & Family
Hanukkah Night 4 | Scott’s Miracle of Camp When I was 12 years old, the Sisterhood of Congregation Emanu El in Houston Sisterhood made the smart decision to give me a scholarship to attend URJ Greene Family Camp. Four years in NFTY, 17 summers on staff and...
by mrollins | Dec 12, 2020 | Camps & NFTY, From the Blog, Youth & Family
Hanukkah Night 3 | Ariel’s Miracle of Camp For me, the miracle of camp is being able to become the person I want, and at the same time to not be afraid to fall. Camp gives the opportunity to explore yourself, to try new things and step out of your comfort zone...
by mrollins | Dec 11, 2020 | Camps & NFTY, From the Blog, Youth & Family
Hanukkah Night 2 | Amber’s Miracle of Camp Halfway up the zipline ladder, he got slower and slower. Then, he turned around with tears in his eyes and defeat written all over his face. He told us he was too scared to go. The fear was taking over, and he...
by mrollins | Dec 9, 2020 | Camps & NFTY, From the Blog, Youth & Family
Sara “Rosie” Tesson Director of Events and Catering | Refined Hospitality Concepts Camper/Summer Staff Member/Leadership – 2001 – 2015 When were you a staff member at camp and what positions did you hold while you were there? Bunk Counselor...
by mrollins | Dec 9, 2020 | Camps & NFTY, From the Blog, Youth & Family
Hanukkah Night 1, by Zoe Makler As a summer staff member at GFC, the days can sometimes blur together, but some unforgettable staff moments have the power to transform your entire outlook on camp and life. Upon receiving an invitation cordially inviting me to light...