GFC Blog

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Hanukkah Night 1: The Love and Light of GFC

Hanukkah Night 1: The Love and Light of GFC

Tonight's Hanukkah blog post was written by Lihi Solomonov, a Summer 2021 Mishlachat member, photographer, and Chalutzim counselor. Hanukkah is one of my favorite holidays, and it is for a good reason. For eight nights, we get to spend time with loved ones, share...

Welcome Home!

Welcome Home!

This week’s torah portion, Parashat Vayeira, teaches the mitzvah of hachnasat orchim: the importance of hospitality and kindness to strangers. In Parshat Vayeira, Abraham shows incredible hospitality by welcoming guests to his tent. Not only did he and his wife Sarah...

How Lucky We Are to Dwell Together

How Lucky We Are to Dwell Together

Hi! I’m Eli and I started last month as the new Executive Chef and Rental Business Manager at Greene - I am so truly honored and excited to join this incredibly holy community, and to help grow and evolve the culinary program at Greene. To that end, I’d like to share...

Torah and Camp: A Yearly Cycle

Torah and Camp: A Yearly Cycle

Chag sameach! Simchat Torah is a celebration of the Torah-reading cycle as we conclude Deuteronomy and begin Genesis once again. When we read the Torah each year, the text and the stories are still the same. However, the lens in which we read these stories based on...

Bring the Summer Right Back to Me

Bring the Summer Right Back to Me

Stars in the sky/bring the summer right back to me…  At camp earlier this week, I was struck by the quiet that covers camp in the absence of our campers and staff members. I experience this each year after the summer; the calm that settles over camp as it waits for...

G’mar Chatima Tovah!

G’mar Chatima Tovah!

Yom Kippur, The Day of Atonement, is the most solemn day in the Jewish Calendar. It is a day that we pause, reflect, pray, and ask forgiveness. Yom Kippur is set apart and observed differently than any other day of the year. There are traditions including fasting,...

Staff Fellowships

Staff Fellowships

The success of Summer 2021 lies in the passion and hard work of our staff members who join us each summer to create camp magic. We have many groups of staff members who participate in additional training prior to this summer, and I want to take a moment to highlight...

Back To School Blessing

Back To School Blessing

We still cannot believe that Summer 2021 is behind us. Two weeks ago, I wrote about unpacking our bags from camp - unpacking our belongings and unpacking our memories, and getting ready to face the year ahead. While the start of this school year doesn't look exactly...

New Beginnings

New Beginnings

Returning home after camp is always hard. It’s an adjustment back to the way things were. For me, it meant a return to my apartment for the first time since May. The return home wasn’t without change: in addition to my apartment being just a little bit dustier, I made...

Summer 2021 Recap

Summer 2021 Recap

We still cant believe that Summer 2021 has already come and gone. Tonight is the first Shabbat In 10 weeks that the Beit K'nesset isn't full of campers, staff, and faculty singing our favorite camp tunes. We will miss seeing the sun set over the lake and hearing the...